Italian TV Network Covers WTC 7 Evidence
Wednesday May 02, 2007
Seven is exploding
On April 16, 2007, a major Italian network (Canale 5) has aired some
conclusive evidence that Building 7 did not collapse on its own, but was
deliberately taken down with the use of explosives.
The piece was part of a larger presentation we provided to the network
as an update on the ongoing research on 9/11. In particular, we included
a clip we had all seen many times before, but possibly never listened
to with the full attention it deserved. Here is the 6 min. segment (please
ignore yellow subtitles):
Yes, we all saw that last clip more than once, but each time we must
have stopped at the powerful evidence the blast itself represents, while
disregarding the ensuing exchange, which in our opinion represents the
final nail in the coffin of the official version on WTC7. Without even
the need to discuss Larry's intentionally ambiguous "pull it"
Our presentation was broadcast as a rebuttal to a bunch of accusations
leveled on the same channel by a group of Italian debunkers against the
movie "Inganno Globale" (produced by this writer/website), which
is possibly the "flagship" for 9/11 Italian truth seekers, being
somehow the equivalent to any other major 9/11 movie in English available
on the web.
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