Take Back the Media

“Of course the people do not want war. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it is a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism” Herman Goering-Nazi Leader-Nuremberg Trial

Location: United States

Monday, May 21, 2007

Pollsters Censoring Ron Paul from the States He Would Do Well In; Statistical Analysis

Sunday May 20, 2007

There have been 27 republican primary polls taken this calendar year WITHOUT referencing Ron Paul. And only 5 polls with Ron Paul. Here are the results in these polls.

All State Polls from 1/1/2007 w/o Ron Paul
Giuliani 27.8
McCain 22.7
Romney 6.9
F. Thompson 9.3
Ron Paul ---
All State Polls from 1/1/2007 w/ Ron Paul
Giuliani 26.0
McCain 20.5
Romney 8.0
F. Thompson 9.0
Ron Paul 1.0

It may look like Giuliani and McCain lose support with Ron Paul in the poll but because there are only 5 out of 32 state polls with Ron Paul mentioned, the small sample size kind of screws the results.

Ron Paul Excluded From Home State. But what we find here is appauling. Ron Paul only averages 1.0% in the state polls. But that is not the true story because the states that Ron Paul would do well in like Texas never have polls citing him. It is like the media does not want to report any successful Ron Paul stories. Because if there was no worries to them, then they would poll Ron Paul from Texas where he is from. That is just our personal take from the analysis of all these polls.

Candidates With Less Money And Little Support Are Included. Ron Paul is currently 4th among Republicans in fundraising so if he is not mentioned in 27 state polls why are all the other candidates who get less money and have very little support being included in far many polls?

Other Candidates. Let's take a look at something. Of these 32 states polls, how many times are the following candidates mentioned:

  • Newt Gingrich - 26 polls
  • Sam Brownback - 19 polls
  • Tom Tancredo - 19 polls
  • Mike Huckabee - 19 polls
  • Duncan Hunter - 15 polls
  • Tommy Thompson - 13 polls
  • Jim Gilmore - 12 polls
  • Chuck Hagel - 11 polls

Fair? Newt Gingrich makes sense because of his name recognition but he has not even pledged to run yet. 19 polls seems to be a key number because 3 of the other low candidates are included that many times but that represents 4 times as many polls as Ron Paul.



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