Take Back the Media

“Of course the people do not want war. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it is a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism” Herman Goering-Nazi Leader-Nuremberg Trial

Location: United States

Friday, February 29, 2008

Soldiers Kill Dogs in Iraq and think its funny, did Mike Vick

Establishment Media Ignores Scores Of Other Shocking Abuse Videos
Shameful puppy video one of many

Steve Watson
day, March 5, 2008

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The video of a US soldier hurling a defenseless puppy from a cliff top in Iraq has continued to stir outrage and repugnance amongst online communities across the world.

While the act of cruelty in itself could only realistically be topped by eating the puppy alive, Neo-Cons the like of those over at mother Malkin's Hot Air blog have attempted to deny the reality of the shocking video, even after one of the Marines in the clip was identified by his Marine corps base in Hawaii.

The idiotic stance these braindead Neo-Cons have taken on this has spurred many prisonplanet forum users to prove that it is not just "a few bad apples" that are going after hearts and minds by torturing, shooting and blowing up animals.

Below are multiple examples of their findings.

Soldiers blowing up dogs for fun:

(Article continues below)

Soldiers shooting dogs for fun:

This next video is unembeddable as it is so graphic - http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=54e_1182844511&p=1

Soldiers tormenting a dog:

Soldiers throwing grenades at sheepherders and sheep and finding it funny:

I for one already feel sick to the stomach but should you wish to watch more of this brutal barbarism, prisonplanet forum users have continued to post more videos here.

Should we really be surprised that the soldiers in the latest video find it so easy to kill a small dog?

Not judging by this marine facebook group, which boasts about snapping the necks of puppies in order to graduate bootcamp. For non facebook users here is a screenshot.

The anger that this incident has caused may seem completely overblown to some, considering the admitted atrocities committed at Abu Ghraib and other torture camps, including raping children and beating people to death. The fact that a puppy causes more outrage reflects on how the rest of society has also been dehumanized.

Others have also noted that the incident serves as a perfect but brutal image laden metaphor for the overall stinking situation in Iraq.

Some Lives Worth More Than Others

By Ben White

28/02/08 "
ICH" -- - Once again, we are learning that when it comes to the conflict in Palestine/Israel, some lives are worth more than others. Earlier today, dozens of Qassam rockets fired from the Gaza Strip fell on Sderot, the Israeli town that has borne the brunt of Palestinian rocket fire over the last few years. This time, an Israeli man, “father-of-four” Roni Yechiah, was killed in a car park by shrapnel. Others have suffered injuries.

Even as I write this, however, there is news that in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military, in separate attacks, has killed a 6 month old baby and three Palestinian children age 10, 12 and 14. No names yet. In the case of the three children, the Israeli army claims that it was aiming at militants, and a spokesperson said it was “strange” that there should be children around the alleged vicinity of rocket launchers.

But it is not the first ‘strange’ occurrence recently in Gaza. On Saturday, three Palestinians in their early 20s, Mohammad Talal al-Za’anin, Ibrahim Ahmad Abu Jarad, and Mohammad Hasan Hussein, were killed as they prepared a picnic in a field near Beit Hanoun. The Israeli missile hit their hut, 1.2km from the border fence, killing and dismembering them instantly.

‘Strangely’, the Israeli army claimed it had targeted militants firing rockets. Then on Tuesday, Palestinian farmer Hassan Abu Sabatt was tilling his land near Qarara village, when Israeli soldiers shot him dead. Once again, the IDF said it had killed an armed militant – a spokeswoman said he’d been spotted planting a bomb.

These drastically contrasting versions of what happened become less mysterious when we remember that the IDF has a long track record of lying, backtracking and deceiving when it comes to the killing of Palestinian civilians. Of course, Western media outlets either unquestioningly reprint official IDF press releases, or ‘balance’ the two contradictory accounts.

Let’s be clear. The residents of Sderot are unquestionably living through a nightmare. Indeed, some thought it worthwhile to organize a concert in Los Angeles this week in solidarity with the town. Hollywood stars were in attendance, and according to Yedioth Ahronoth online, the three presidential candidates all sent messages of support.

John McCain, bizarrely, believes that Palestinian violence “is not condemned by world nations”. Hilary Clinton commented on Sderot’s courage and sacrifice, while Barack Obama said that as a father, he “could only imagine the terror that these rockets cause”. The deaths of Mohammad the university student or Hassan the farmer, however, went unnoticed and unlamented.

Presumably, if asked bluntly, Obama, McCain and Clinton would all profusely stress that they believe a Palestinian life is equal to that of an Israeli’s. But there will be no A-list concert for Palestinians living under daily terror – indeed, such an event is inconceivable because there is simply no understanding of Israel as a practitioner of terror.

Yesterday, coincidentally just before this new bloodshed, the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed on Sderot and Gaza by Bret Stephens (linked to approvingly by UK-based ‘centre-left’ blog, Harry’s Place). There is not enough space here to dissemble line by line every falsehood in the piece. But here, in the pages of a mainstream, respected US newspaper, a writer is afforded space to call for ‘punitive’ military operations against a civilian population.

Stephens idly hypothesizes that perhaps a ‘proportionate’ Israeli response would involve “firing 2,500 artillery shells at random against civilian targets in Gaza”, since the Qassam operators are themselves apparently intent on inflicting “indiscriminate terror”. For Stephens, moreover, the documented and condemned Israeli collective punishment of Gaza deserves mocking inverted commas, as if it didn’t really exist. The writer concludes that Israel, unable to practically apply its “right to self-defense”, is instead “counseled” to “negotiate a cease-fire with Hamas”.

In reality, as a survey published by Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz today testifies, it is Israelis themselves who are ‘counseling’ their government to negotiate a ceasefire (64%). Despite Stepehens’ claim to the contrary, moreover, Hamas has in fact held to ceasefires before, even in the face of deliberate Israeli provocations.

When picnicking Palestinian can be killed without outrage, and Palestinian farmers can be shot without triggering angry, impassioned editorials, then Sderot will continue to be seen as a victim of decontextualised, irrational violence by Palestinians. For the sake of the Israelis in Sderot – living in fear from Qassam attack – as well as for the Palestinians in Gaza – besieged, shelled, and raided at whim by an occupying army – the Israeli government and Hamas must sit down and talk.

Ben White is a freelance journalist specializing in Palestine/Israel. His website is at www.benwhite.org .uk and his email is ben@benwhite.org.uk.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Israeli war minister Threatens Palestinian Holocaust

Media who became obsessed with "wipe Israel off the map" misquote scurry to defend Vilnai after disgraceful comments

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, February 29th, 2008

Israel's Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai has provoked outrage after threatening Palestinians with a "holocaust," but the same media who obsessed about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's "wipe Israel off the map" misquote are scurrying to defend Vilnai's disgraceful comments.

"The more Qassam (rocket) fire intensifies and the rockets reach a longer range, they (the Palestinians) will bring upon themselves a bigger holocaust because we will use all our might to defend ourselves," Vilnai told the Army Radio on Friday.

However, in a Reuters report, despite the fact that the rest of the statement was translated into English, the incendiary word "holocaust" remained in its original Hebrew version - "shoah".

Why Reuters would choose to print the rest of the statement in English yet cherry-pick one word to remain in Hebrew is obvious - they don't want to draw any attention to the fact that Vilnai is threatening the Palestinians with a holocaust.

(Article continues below)

Vilnai's spokesman has attempted to diffuse the controversy by claiming Vilnai was speaking in terms of a "disaster" and not a holocaust.

Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai

But you can't have your cake and eat it.

When Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad allegedly called for Israel to be "wiped off the map," the media blindly repeated the quote ad infinitum, and it became second nature for them to carelessly drop it into any propaganda piece intended to hype Iran's supposed threat to Israel and the world.

Barely a day goes by that Israeli, American and British warhawks don't spew the phrase like a broken record in an attempt to create a catchy cliché and brand market the next jaunt of imperial blood-letting.

No matter that, according to numerous different translations, Ahmadinejad never used the word "map," instead his statement was in the context of time and applied to the Zionist regime occupying Jerusalem. Ahmadinejad was expressing his future hope that the Zionist regime in Israel would fall, not that Iran was going to physically annex the country and its population.

To claim Ahmadinejad has issued a rallying cry to ethnically cleanse Israel is akin to saying that Churchill wanted to murder all Germans when he stated his desire to crush the Nazis. This is about the demise of a corrupt occupying power, not the deaths of millions of innocent people.

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On the other hand, even as Reuters is forced to admit, Vilnai's use of the word "shoah" is intrinsically allied to the context of "Discussions of the Nazi Holocaust of Jews," adding, "Many Israelis are loath to countenance its use to describe other contemporary events."

So will the media make reference to one of Israel's top minister's expressing his wish to inflict a Palestinian "holocaust" in all future reports about Israel's geopolitical motives, just as they do with Ahmadinejad's supposed call to wipe Israel off the map?

There's more chance of Yasser Arafat and Menachem Begin coming back from the dead to broker a peace settlement.

FLASHBACK: The "Wipe Israel Off The Map" Hoax

Israeli air raid kills 4 kids

Thu, 28 Feb 2008 17:55:20
Israeli military forces have killed four Palestinian children in the latest air strike on the Gaza Strip, medics say.

The children aged eight, nine, eleven and twelve, were killed while they played in a field in the town of Jabaliya in the north of the territory on Thursday.

Another Israeli aircraft struck two targets in the northern Gaza Strip on Thursday afternoon, killing at least one person and wounding two others, Palestinian medics said.

Eleven other Palestinians, including a six-month-old baby, were killed in the Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip on Wednesday.


See the video Here of the Children and the young baby slaughtered and no where in the US media is anyone saying one word. mms://

Friday, February 15, 2008

50,000 First Responders Need Donations, Dignity and True Respect

Spread the Word and Donate to the February 16th Money Bomb at 1stResponders1st.com

JonesReport.com | February 15, 2008

As many of our readers know, long after the dust settled at ground zero, our nation's first responders are still feeling the toxic effects of that dust-- as some 70% of 9/11 rescue workers are sick and dying.

Now 1stResponders1st.com is trying to generate money and support for those heroes in a "money bomb" on February 16th.

An estimated 50,000 fire fighters, police, EMTs, national guard, military and other volunteers are suffering from exposure to ground zero-- and stand to be forgotten by the country they aided in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.

Lung problems, leukemia & other cancers, including asbestosis have caused too many of our heroes to become deathly ill. On top of that, many 9/11 heroes have been too sick to work and have received NO benefits or other help from either local or national government efforts.

The FealGoodFoundation.com donated about $100,000 to first responders last year, but it needs even more money this year. WeAreChange.org raised more than $14,000 for responders last year and has spent a lot of time spreading the word about their needs.

Police and Fire Fighters, how can your brothers be allowed to slip through the cracks?

Americans, how can the heroes who heeded the call on the day of 9/11 be now allowed to be forgotten and forsaken?

People of the world, nearly 3,000 unfortunate people perished in the collapse of the Twin Towers, but now 50,000 will die from the fallout and continued aftermath of 9/11-- can we really stand be while so many die from neglect and abandon?

Create change... because real change starts with you.

Raise awareness, help pay medical bills and save our heroes' lives. Please donate at www.1stResponders1st.com on February 16th. Then spread the word to everyone you know, because surely, their struggle has only begun.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Russia Threatens Nuke Strike

Top-ranking Russian military figure Says America had better watch out

Mark Glenn
American Free Press
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Recent statements coming from one of Russia’s highest-ranking military commanders indicate that America and Israel plan to go ahead with war on Iran despite the release of the National Intelligence Estimate late last year.

Russia’s military chief of staff General Yuri Baluyevsky threatened the use of nuclear weapons in case of a major threat. He said that, although they have no plans of attacking anyone, they nevertheless “consider it necessary for everyone around the world community to clearly understand, that to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia and its allies, military forces will be used, including, preventively, the use of nuclear weapons.”

His statements (which can only have been made in concert with the overall policies established by his boss President Vladimir Putin) come a week after George Bush’s visit to the Persian Gulf, in which he attempted to rally the nations in that region around U.S. and Israeli plans of “confronting Iran’s nuclear program before it is too late.”

Baluyevsky’s statement, despite the stark and apocalyptic themes pervading it, comes as no surprise. Over the course of the past year, Russia has taken on an increasingly aggressive defensive posture with regard to the West as a result of what it sees as an overall plan of encircling her with NATO forces that threaten her existence.

Russia has resumed long-range bomber patrols (halted with the fall of the Soviet Union), sometimes coming within inches of NATO airspace. She has pulled out of several treaties with the West limiting the size of Russian military forces on Europe’s eastern flank. Incensed at the U.S. plan of using new NATO member nations in Eastern Europe as a staging area for missile defense systems (said to be a necessary defense against Iran), Russia has developed and successfully test fired new missiles—both land- and sea-launched. Russia claims they are sophisticated enough to trump any U.S. missile shield.

Beginning in December (after the release of the NIE), Russia began delivering the nuclear fuel supplies promised to Iran according to their agreement. As of this moment, four shipments have been made totaling 45 tons of the estimated 80 tons necessary for the Bushehr facility to begin refinement.

Israel is furious, as evidenced by Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni’s recent meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov where she called the fuel deliveries “inconceivable.”

What is of particular importance in General Baluyevsky’s statement is his mention of “defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity” of, not just Russia, but her “allies” as well. Russia has not, as of this moment, signed formal mutual defense agreements with nations such as Iran and Syria.

Both are on Israel and America’s list of countries targeted for destruction. Both are important trading partners occupying Russia’s peripheries and therefore a first-line defense of Russian territory.

Throughout this nightmare in the Middle East, Russia has demonstrated a sane and rational character. By contrast, Israel and the United States under the administration of George Bush, have been irrational and unpredictable. Iraq and Afghanistan are unmitigated disasters and the fact that neither the U.S. nor Israel has learned from these disasters proves they are dangerous to all nations seen as uncooperative in the drive for U.S. and Israeli world hegemony.

Indeed, Putin recently compared Bush to a “maniac running around threatening everyone with a razor.”

Kidnappings of U.S. citizens on rise

Tony Manolatos
San Diego Union Tribune
Thursday February 7, 2008

Organized, well-financed and violent Mexican kidnapping cells are targeting a growing number of U.S. citizens visiting communities popular with San Diegans and other California residents.

Last year, at least 26 San Diego County residents were kidnapped and held for ransom in Tijuana, Rosarito Beach or Ensenada, local FBI agents overseeing the cases said yesterday. In 2006, at least 11 county residents had been kidnapped in the three communities.
“Some of the 26 were recovered, some were hurt and some were killed,” said agent Alex Horan, who directs the FBI's violent-crime squad in San Diego.

“It's not a pleasant experience. Victims have reported beatings, torture and there have been rapes. . . . Handcuffs and hoods over the head are common,” he said.

(Article continues below)

When contrasted to the 40 million border crossings made every year at the San Ysidro Port of Entry, the kidnapping numbers are small. Most of the victims have business interests or family members in Mexico.

But authorities said anyone planning to visit Mexico should be cautious.

“I would certainly be concerned,” Horan said.

The U.S. Consulate in Tijuana issued a travel advisory last week that said U.S. citizens living and traveling in Mexico should be extra vigilant.

Gunfights and other violence linked to drug cartels have increased in Baja California, and more Mexican citizens have been kidnapped lately.

While some of the groups suspected of kidnapping Americans are connected to drug trafficking, most aren't, Horan said.

He described the kidnapping groups as sophisticated operations similar to terrorist cells, each with a boss and clear divisions of labor. Usually, one group is involved in scouting, another carries out the kidnapping, a third holds the victim and a fourth handles the ransom.

“They know who they're going after. I think they have a list,” Horan said. “These are kidnapping cells. . . . That's what they do. They do kidnappings all year long.”