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“Of course the people do not want war. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it is a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism” Herman Goering-Nazi Leader-Nuremberg Trial

Location: United States

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cyber Security Expert: Hackers Planning To Steal Election For McCain

Spoonamore says electronic voting machines represent national security threat, Israel, China and Russia have capability to rig presidential outcome

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Stephen Spoonamore warns in a new interview that electronic voting machines represent a national security threat and that hackers are already planning to steal the 2008 presidential election for John McCain.

Spoonamore is a GOP member and a lifelong Republican, having worked on election campaigns with Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg. He also has 20 years worth of experience in encrypted and networked communications systems for banks, TV, telecommunications, EMS, Military and other uses.

In an ten part You Tube interview, Spoonamore warns that hackers are planning to steal the election on behalf of the McCain camp and even predicts the margin of victory, that McCain will make a “shocking recovery” and win 51.2 percent of the vote with three electoral votes over Obama.


“This is a national security threat,” said Spoonamore, “it is very possible for a foreign government to begin manipulating that transmission of code just as they attempt to do fairly often with our financial data….we deal with it every day on the commercial side,” he added, noting that China, and not the American people, has a greater chance of choosing the next U.S. president.

Spoonamore also fingered Israel as another foreign government that was planning to attempt to hack the 2008 election.

“We don’t know who’s changing the vote now - these weird results are coming in all over,” said Spoonamore, adding that the danger of the vote being hacked by Israel, China or Russia is an even greater threat than partisan vote fraud on behalf of the Democrats and Republicans.

“You’ve built a vulnerable system and many people would want to exploit that vulnerability and not all of them have the best interests of our nation at heart,” he added.

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In the interview, Spoonamore stresses how easy it is to hack an electronic voting machine and rig an election.

“If people think that a voting machine that calls in to a tabulator is any different than all those cash registers calling in to the central processor - it’s the same thing,” said Spoonamore. “If you put a man in the middle attack, a computer sitting in the middle that can change or capture or manipulate the information, it will do so,” he added.

“It’s valuable to be president….if you can steal it for a couple of million bucks why not,” said Spoonamore, adding that the last two presidential elections were stolen.

Spoonamore said that he had personally witnessed people attempting to hack election systems and since going public with his testimony had received threats not to talk about vote fraud because it would undermine American’s confidence in the voting process, to which Spoonamore responded that people should doubt their vote because “it’s being stolen”.

Spoonamore said that top Republican operatives had told him that election hacking was “just a different methodology” but they didn’t grasp the fact that if you build a hackable system, “there’s hundreds of sharks that want to hack it and you will not know who the final hacker was.”

Spoonamore said that the only way to prevent elections being stolen is a complete return to paper ballots, a “move back to what worked so well for 190 years,” and the elimination of electronic voting machines.

Watch a key clip below or watch the entire interview via this wmv link or via You Tube.


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